Monday, September 12, 2011

Closing Curtains

It's a little late to be writing farewells, but it feels wrong to leave this blog hanging open-ended.

I left Japan on August 9th, 2011, after 1 year and 4 months of the most incredible adventure I've ever had. I cried buckets and lugged home a suitcase stuffed with gifts and little else (literally--I had to abandon all my clothes in a Japanese thrift store to make room).  I went to endless goodbye parties with friends and fellow teachers that only made me less and less willing to leave.  I witnessed two weddings, a friends' movie premiere, and spent my last day in Tokyo Disney Sea. I never once felt ready to go. But it was my time.

I had to go because I am starting my Master's program in Leeds, England, this fall. I really wanted to put it off but when it came down to it, I just couldn't shake the feeling that this was my window of opportunity and if I ignored it it would close. And now that I'm here, I feel ready. Japan taught me to be.

My one regret is that I never met my successor, or got his/her contact information. I did my best to leave things in order for him/her, and I hope he/she finds this blog and that is helps him/her to know what to expect. Most of all, I hope he/she takes very good care of Iide-Machi and all its people. They are the most incredible in all the world.

...Though I may be biased.