Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bear Troubles

This morning dawned bright and unseasonably warmly. The work load was light and gave me ample time to cheer for my students as they ran relays, accompanied by upbeat classical songs like the overtures from William Tell and the Marriage of Figaro blasted over the outdoor speakers.

"That music is such a good idea," I commented to no one in particular while indulging in a little aimless hand waving and finger tapping.

"Yes," a teacher agreed. "It's to keep the kuma away."

"Good idea!" I enthused, by now entirely lost in my imaginary orchestra conducting. Meanwhile in my head the word "kuma" sifted lazily through my translation filters until it finally nudged the word "bear" and stuck fast. "Wait....what?"

I watched the children playing outside with somewhat more focus while the teachers filled me in. Apparently our little area has had several shaggy, clawed visitors lately. Earlier this week one surprised an elderly couple, breaking the wife's ankle and raking half of the husband's face away. Early yesterday morning another--or the same one, who knows?--broke a window and climbed into a nearby junior high school. Then today another (NOT the same one, as the last one was shot in the school) was spotted in the middle of the afternoon ambling around the middle of town. The parents have all become busy mockeries of the "green movement", with their cars constantly roaring to life only to be quieted a block or sometimes two later, where they drop off their kids and promise to pick them up any time they call, no matter how inconvenient. Then the night comes, and few people leave their houses at all.

"But," said Mogi-san, ever practical, "at least bear meat is delicious."


  1. Yabaa, Dabaa, Doo! Yogi types in Japan. Who would have known. What next, grey wolves, perhaps? Love!

  2. Bears are already the #1 threat to Japan?! Does this make them part of the Axis of Evil?

    Also you need to hunt those frakkers down and make some Japanese-style bear chalupas!

    ...wait. Eww. Nevermind.

  3. YIKES Bears was a big nerve racker for me in UTAH that and mountain lions..they must know there are tons of little kids running around and want to get there hands on them! YIKES you be careful!
