Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It's time to talk about an issue which I've been diligently avoiding:

...I'm talking about snow here, people.
 I've been avoiding the issue because I know no one's going to believe me. When I say that I went to bed one night, unconcerned, only to wake to a world of blizzards and snowdrifts as high as my head, I know all of you will think, "Oh, she must be exaggerating."

But I'm not. REALLY. This:
And this:
...all happened in the space of a few days.

In case you weren't paying close enough attention to the last photo, that wall of snow is taller than the car. I just know that one sunny day, at least one of the glacial walls that frame every road on the way to every school I visit will start to buckle and suddenly envelop me  completely. But when that day comes, I don't want you to worry about me; I'm pretty sure I'm going to find Narnia under there.

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